Beautiful People hosted by Sky @ Further Up and Further In and Cait @ Paper Fury is an awesome monthly linkup to help writers get to know their books and character. This month's linkup is all about those pesky parents. Y'know, the people intent on ruining their teenager's life.
Another one was when Blake decided to string along a guy and a girl for heist, and her mom was disappointed by her ruthless manipulation, while her dad was like, "I raised a playa."

Teens everywhere when they argue with their parents.
Since Camp NaNo is next month,
I'm going to use the MC from that project, Blake, and talk about her crime boss parents.
So here's Blake, but like imagine she had a shirt on. Not that she wouldn't pose shirtless anyway.

All dat hair.
Her gorgeous mom

This is where she gets dat hair
Her hot dad

Because hot dads are always uncomfortable
1. Do they know both their biological parents? Why/why not?
Yes, Unfortunately. I think Blake sometimes wishes she was adopted into a normal, law-abiding family so she wouldn't have ended up in prison.
2. Have they inherited any physical resemblances from their parents?
(I actually had to go to pinterest because I didn't know what Blake looked like and found this board of pretty black women and went googly eyed for thirty minutes or so. But I returned eventually!)
Blake is biracial (half-black, half-white), but she inherited all of her features from her mom, who is black. Actually, I don't think she looks like her dad at all. Maybe the eyes.
3. What’s their parental figure(s) dress style? Add pictures if you like!
Blake's parents be like:

Jk, They're kind of young and hipstery, so Blake's mom is more likely to don a short red dress and heels, while her father seems to only where snazzy suits. Her mom does not know the meaning of Mom jeans.
4. Do they share any personality traits with their parental figures? And which do they take after most?
Blake got all of the artistic talents from her mom and her criminal genius from her Dad (though her mom's pretty genius too). Both parents are loud and abrasive people, so Blake is definitely not and introvert. I can't say which one she takes after the most because it's pretty even.5. Do they get on with their parental figure(s) or do they clash?
They only argue, like, every week.6. If they had to describe their parental figure(s) in one word, what would it be?
Cool. As much as Blake hates to admit it, she has cool parents. Other teenagers wished their parents were as awesome as hers.7. How has their parental figure(s) helped them most in their life?
Besides teaching her how to pull off the perfect crime, the one thing Blake's parents really taught her was that being herself is the most important thing in life. Except when committing crimes. Then she needs to be other people.8. What was their biggest fight with their parental figure(s)?
One of their biggest disagreements was when they decided to send Blake to prison, because who on Earth is going to agree with that?Another one was when Blake decided to string along a guy and a girl for heist, and her mom was disappointed by her ruthless manipulation, while her dad was like, "I raised a playa."