Female Power, Activate!

*squee* Thank you to Ashana Lian  for nominating me!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions they’ve sent you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate ten people.


1. Who's your favorite author?

Do I just have to have just one? That's so hard. If I was being unoriginal, I'd say J.K. Rowling (who hates Rowling though?), but a recent favorite of mine would have to be Marie Lu.

2. What's the best thing about blogging?

Throwing up word vomit on the internet for the off-chance that someone might read it. No seriously, I love talking to you guys, and it always amazes me when people actually read my posts and comment.

3. How many books do you own?

*looks at thousands of boxes of books* Er, uncountable?

4. What's the last movie you saw?

The Dark Knight Rises! I'm so 2000-and-late, but I finally bought the DVD and watched it. While it wasn't quite as good as I thought it would be, it wasn't completely terrible. Plus, it had Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it. It's pretty hard to hate anything that has this face in it.

5. Okay, important question... tomato sauce, or barbecue sauce?

I don't know if this means tomato sauce as in tomato sauce or tomato sauce as in ketchup, but any who, barbecue all the way! I freaking hate tomatos with a fiery, burning passion. Unless it's ketchup.

6. What skill do you really want to learn or wish you had?

Dancing! I always wanted to be a dancer, but we were always too poor for lessons. Now I'm all big and it's too late. xD

7. How many different types of social media do you have?

Um, let's see, blogger, wordpress, google+, facebook, twitter, instagram, wattpad, figment, valorpen. But I only use about half of those.

8. Do you have a (secret..?) talent or quirk that surprises people?

I have extreme hitchhiker's thumb. No seriously, I can bend my thumbs to 90 degree angles. My other fingers are super flexible too. It always freaks people out because they think I broke my hand.

9. What's your dream job?

Being an author so I can just sit around writing and arguing with my characters.

10. What was the last thing you made or did that you're proud of?

I just made a brochure for the the Japanese program at my school that looks pretty awesome, but really, if I'm being honest MY NANO story. I'm so freaking proud of the thing.

My 10 Questions:

1. This is important: Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Michael Fassbender?
2. The number one book you need to be turned in a move/tv series/anime RIGHT NOW?
3. Your favorite book character vs your favorite tv/movie character. Who would win?
4. If you were ruler of your favorite fictional universe, what is the first thing you'd decree?
5. Most anticipated book of 2015?
6. Favorite quote?
8. Least favorite villain? And not because they're so deliciously evil, but because they're so stupendously bad at being bad.
9. What's your favorite activity outside of being a bookworm?
10. Doubly important: Blogging: Great thing or GREATEST THING?

The next victims nominees:

As for the rest of you, feel free to answer my questions in the comments. The first one is of the utmost importance.