I'm back and talking about my NaNo novel! Joining in on Beautiful Books, a three-month long blog event about the terrifying craft of writing. If you're curious about what I'm writing, come take a look!
So about that blogging. . .

Rightfully stolen from Cait's STOP Apologising! post.
1. Be honest: how is your writing going?
2. What's your first sentence/paragraph
Cheating and putting a lot more than a paragraph, but I couldn't resist.
3. Do you have a book cover, and/or pictures that reflect your book?
I haven't created a book cover yet (slacker), but I did create this cool banner thing for my title that tells you absolutely nothing.
4. Do you have pictures of each of your character?
From left to right: Lire (19), Rise (21), Sijak (20), The Witch (19)
5. What scene are you most excited to write?
The end because tragedy and stuff is going to go down
6. Share a snippet or scene you really enjoyed writing.
Anything involving Sijak and Rise:
and this:
and maybe some Charlie and Lire:
7. Now that you're writing, have any plot details, or the process itself, turned out different from what you planned or imagined?
And I added a heist plot.
8. Is there a character or aspect of your plot that's difficult to write?
Lire. 'Nuff said. As I continue to write, I realize that she doesn't actually have a personality, and is simply narrating things as they happen. I'm going to need her to buck up and give me some attitude. Yes, that was a Doctor Who reference.
9. What's your favorite aspect of this novel so far? Favorite character?
My favorite aspect is the world itself. Although I haven't gotten a chance to work all the worldbuilding into the story, the idea itself fascinates me. I mean, entire countries were just wiped off the map because of two realities merging together.
As for favorite characters, anything Rise. He's seriously hilarious and I've never written anyone quite like him before. Yes, he's funny, but he's also a little a lot dark, and his past sucks major lemon balls. He also has enough wit to combat Sijak's chronic bitterness.
10. Have you drawn off of any life experiences or people you know to create your novel and your characters?
Oddly enough, I don't know what it's like to live in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world.Nor have I committed treason against a king. I did steal some gum when I was six, though.
11. Do you have a playlist or certain song for your novel and/or characters?
Organizing playlists is one of my favorite forms of procrastination. I haven't quite organized one for Half Full of Water, but this is a working one. You know you want to listen.
12. Let’s have some fun for a moment: imagine you are somehow transported into your book’s world. Which character are you most likely to be found hanging out with?
Rise, or course. Have I mentioned how much I love him, yet? I think if the two of us got together, we'd just sit around sassing each other.
13. How do you keep yourself motivated to finish your daily wordcount? (Pinterest? Internet breaks? Chocolate?)
I find Write or Die very motivating. Nothing like having your hard earned words eaten in front of you and demonic noises being screamed to motivate you to write.