Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters Who X

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created at The Broke and the BookishThis week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about characters. I couldn't come up with a top ten for any specific thing, so I thought I'd do a dual post. This is Top Five Characters Who Make Me Swoon and Top Five Characters Who Are Too Stupid To Live.

Top Five Characters Who Make Me Swoon

1. Stiles (Teen Wolf)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I think that's enough gifs for one post. . .

2. Sherlock (BBC)

I know I shouldn't like him because Sherlock is the definition of an asshole, but there's something incredibly endearing about his lack of empathy for other human beings. . . andhe'splayedbythesmexyBenedictCumberbatch

3. The Darkling (Grisha Trilogy)

I'm bad at keeping up with series, so I've only read the first book in the Grisha Trilogy, but I remember the Darkling and his fine self. Now here's some awesome fanart from nilaffle on deviant art.
 Credit: nilaffle

4. Mo Il Hwa (Inspiring Generation)

This one's from a k-drama I gave up on a while ago, but the one character I distinctly remember was this badass gangster guy. 

5. Day (Legend Trilogy)

Day kicks all sorts of ass, and he's multiracial. Come on, you don't see enough of that in YA! Here's some fanart from Marie Lu herself:

Top Five Characters Who Are Too Stupid To Live

1. Bella (Twilight)

'Nuff said. 

2. Jackson (Teen Wolf)

For some reason, I use to like his character. Good thing I came to my senses. Jackson is one of the worst characters I've ever seen. He literally learns nothing from his mistakes.

3. Nora (Hush, Hush)

Nora is that idiot in scary movies who pretty much does the opposite of everything she should. 

4. Claudia (Incarceron)

At first, I thought Claudia was a thoughtful, intelligent heroine. After reading a little further, I discovered she was a chronically petulant person who made unwise decisions at every turn, and never suffered for them. This was Claudia: 

5. Clary Fray (The Mortal Instruments)

Clary is almost as bad as Nora, but at least Clary sometimes does things for other people.



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