It's five days into 2015, and I thought it was better late than never to do a resolution post. I debated for a while on what I should post about. Blogging goals? Writing goals? Both at the same time? But what if that ended up too long? Yeah, I'm a worrywart. I finally decided on doing separate posts, so be on the look at for a writing resolutions post in the near future!
2015 Blogging Goals
1. Blog more
This is an obvious one, but I'm really bad about keeping up with blogging. School happens and suddenly I have no time to read and review anymore. This semester I plan on creating a more efficient schedule that will allow me to sneak in some blogging time.
2. Become active on social media
I have a twitter and an instagram that I don't use much. I'm really shy, so randomly jumping into people's conversation on twitter freaks me out. I'm also not photogenic, nor do I take good photos, so I've never known what to do with my instagram. I'm going to try to become more adventurous in 2015! I promise, because I really want to talk and share stuff with you guys. I was also thinking of setting up a booktube, but that's a HUGE maybe.
3. Introduce more exciting features
Pretty much what I've done so far is write a few reviews, fangirl, talk about k-pop, and the occasional Top Ten Tuesday. I want to organize my blog a little more and introduce more features that might not necessarily be book related. One idea I have is to review TV shows and movies since I pretty much live on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Tentative title is Anah in TV Land, but I'm working on a more original one. Also, I'm thinking of a adding a graphics feature like cover makeovers and designing book swag and stuff. Who doesn't love more swag for their books?
Another feature is kind of a cheat because it's related to school, but blogging about the books I read in class. I'm not gonna lie, this semester is going to be heavy when it comes to required reading for classes, and I don't want to fall behind on blogging because of it. Luckily the books I'm required to read aren't the dregs they forced us to read in high school, so it should be interesting. I'll probably call it the Class List, or something equally as lame.
4. Share my writing
I've talked about being a writer, but I haven't shared too much of it. I want to keep you guys updated on my writing projects. This means I'll probably be sharing snippets on the blog, as well as posting stories to my wattpad.
5. Read at least 10 diverse books
I'm a huge supporter of diversity, but 2014 was not a year I got to read too many diverse books. So my goal this year is to read at least 10 diverse books, then blog about them! If anyone has any recommendations, let me know.
6. Participate in reading challenges
I love reading. I love challenges. I think you know where this is going. As well as doing my own Goodreads challenge of 70 books, I'm going to participate in Mel's Fairytale Retelling challenge over at The Daily Prophecy. I'm aiming for big bad wolf, but I'll be okay if I hit magic mirror.
7. Revamp up the blog
This one is minor, but I'm going to try and add a little more to the blog's design so it looks cleaner. Y'know, having a standard post format and stuffs.