It's time to break out the confetti and alcohol because Turtles In My Soup has a new look! *dances*
I apologize for the long hiatus. I never meant to just randomly stop blogging. End of school finals + new job at walmart + Camp NaNo pretty much took up my time.
But even though I was away, I never really stopped thinking about blogging. My mind kept whispering, "Go on Anah, be a rebel. You type up those blog posts!" even though I had a 50000 word novel to finish (which is going awesome, by the way). I spent my new job money on books and have been writing reviews.
So far I've read:
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Landline by Rainbow Rowell
All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
No Place Like Oz: Danielle Paige
Expect reviews for those in the near future!
Now I'm about to start reading Cinder by Marissa Meyer, which I've heard nothing but endless praise about from friends, so I hope it meets expectation.
Non-reader/writer things that have happened:
Well, I spent $25 on f(x)'s new album, Red Light. I've never really paid attention to f(x), but this album has blown my mind! Enough for me to pay $10 for shipping. . .
But it'll be worth it when the album actually arrives because the packaging is awesome.
It looks like a Quentin Tarantino movie.
I'll do a review of it for Fangirl Official when it finally comes, as well as posting some pictures of my copy.
I finally caught up with Sherlock and watched season three.
I'm months behind everyone else, but I finally watched season three!
Damn, I'n not sure what to say besides, Moffat. Season four.
I mentioned I got a job earlier.
It kinda sucks. I'll fully admit that I'm not about this working life, especially this overnight cashier at walmart working life. It's not that the job itself sucks. It's that the customers suck. They're such little turds of rudeness and self-entitlement. Working with them is a challenge of self-restraint.
But more importantly
The design!
So, I spent about two weeks working on this. The original idea I had looks nothing like this and think our Lord Cheesus for that because it was horrible. The initial idea for anything usually isn't that great, but this was especially bad.
What I have now came about in a series of accidents, coding tutorials, and photoshop. I really wanted a turtle of some sort in the header, but it was so hard to find one that looked good. Then I saw the picture of the girl riding the unicorn and fell in love. I decided to base the design around it and keep the name Turtles In My Soup, even if it didn't fit. I incorporated three colors from this palette to give it a more whimsical look.
The drop down tabs were a real pain in my butt. I tried tons of tutorials before discovering CSS Menu Maker, which pretty much did all the hard work for me for $9. Totally worth it. Look how pretty the tabs are!
The overall goal of this design was just to give a dreamy/kooky feel that matches me. My original design (done by the fabulous Chri of Bookishly and These Paper Blogs) was awesome, but at the same time, I desperately craved for something mine, y'know? I wanted something designed 100% by me. After a lot of tears, swearing, and wandering if I should just pay someone else to do this, I finally have something uniquely mine!
I hope you guys like it, and I'd love to hear what you think! :D
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